Why do people wear perfume?

What are your reasons for wearing perfume?

As natural perfume lovers, we are fascinated by all things fragrance.  In fact we started Jones & Modha because we noticed that despite so many people being fans of fragrance and sustainability, there were few options that ticked both boxes.

We spend a lot of time thinking about and talking to people about perfume and what we love to ask is why do people choose to wear perfume?.

“My mother always did and it was something she taught me”

comes up a fair amount.  The nostalgia of scent is a big one.  It can take you back to childhood, to a happy place, to a person that you loved or admired that wore a special scent. Read our blog “Smell is a potent wizard” to learn more.

“It makes me feel good”

A great outfit that makes you feel confident can be great.  Add a delicious, uplifting fragrance and that can be the icing on the cake.  It can make you feel a little taller.

“It lifts my mood”

By association - taking you back to a happy place, fragrance can also literally lift you mood if it’s made with essential oils and plant essences.  There are so many plant essences that have beneficial properties - just read a bit about aromatherapy and you’ll find a whole world of benefits.  Jones & Modha, our own creation, is made with plant and flower essences and each is selected for its beneficial properties. See the list here.

By choosing a sustainable, ethically sourced perfume, you’re also benefiting from peace of mind that there is minimal damage on your skin and the environment (no hormone mimicking ingredients here!).

“People identify me with my perfume”

Some people have a particular fragrance that you will associate with them.  And a little like your very own personal brand, it’s part of you, just like your hairstyle or choice of look.

Do any of the reasons above resonate with you? Or do you have a special reason why you wear perfume or cologne? And why do you choose a more sustainable perfume? We’d absolutely love to know.

It’s worth having a look at sites like Quora - we found so many questions and answers around scent and fragrance - enjoy!

If you’d like to buy a bottle of natural, sustainable fragrance, click here.


Natural fragrance is essential if you care about your body and the environment


The gift of natural perfume - finding your nearest stockist